Henrik Lindberg, Consultant
Henrik (M.Sc. Technology) joined Vision Hunters to strengthen the service offering in strategic analyses, conversion strategies and technological assessments. He has a background in process engineering, with both EPC and EPCM projects and commissioning experience under his belt.
Combining business with engineering
Henrik holds an M.Sc. degree in biomass refining from Aalto University, with a minor in management and international business. “Understanding novel technologies while having a pragmatic view of making business is crucial. Businesses must, in the end, be profitable to enable future growth and accelerate the bioeconomy.”
An ever-changing business environment
The forest industry is a blend of traditional business and the creation of new solutions. It’s been inspiring to witness how advancements in products and processes have introduced groundbreaking applications to the market. Selecting which avenues to explore and which to put on the backburner is a challenge I find very exciting.
Finding a common vision
At Vision Hunters, Henrik is interested in offering tailor-made solutions for clients.
No two businesses or situations are the same. Having a unified view on the task at hand is essential so that together with the client, we may enable the most feasible, sensible and sustainable approach for the future.
Music gives meaning
Henrik has been singing classical solo for more than 10 years and in his spare time, he is also an avid music listener. He likes to find hidden gems in the sea of recorded music, feeling that searching for songs that resonate with the listener is always worth it. “It is always a bonus if the artist(s) are still producing music or touring, as music, in my opinion, is best experienced live.”