Guiding in smart strategic choices for future value creation

Providing hands-on expertise to develop and reshape future proof-strategies

Strategic analyses

Vision Hunters assists customers in developing corporate, business, sourcing, and conversion strategies, in addition to providing second opinions on existing strategies. We provide, for instance, detailed analysis of the As-Is situation of affairs and support with market assessments to aid decision-makers in formulating and implementing strategies.

As a deliverable, the client gets a comprehensive strategy document and a tangible plan for its implementation. When needed, we challenge our clients on their strategic thinking to find disruptive business modes.

With an experienced team of experts, Vision Hunters also offers support in strategy implementation.

Corporate strategies

Thorough analysis of a company’s As-Is situation forms the basis for the development of the To-Be situation and corporate strategy. Our strong industry experience combined with hands-on strategic knowledge are valuable when building forward-looking strategies. Detailed analysis of assets and target markets help in steering the company towards the right direction.

Business, market and product strategies

Vision Hunters’ business, market and product strategy services cover the whole forest industry value chain. We combine our strong strategy and management experience with hands-on industry and operations expertise, supported with strong analytics of fundamental industry drivers, business dynamics and outlook. Our profound knowledge of e.g. the products, value chain, operations and technologies set a solid base that best supports strategy development and implementation.

Energy strategies

The development of an energy strategy includes a detailed energy portfolio assessment. The aim is to optimize the energy assets to meet the requirements of the current production machinery. Topics such as bioenergy and energy efficiency are strongly linked into the work.

Second opinion studies

Vision Hunters’ second opinion studies include a thorough analysis of the current situation and all relevant material, upon which we form an unbiased opinion of the existing strategy. Our reports are prepared in a bankable format so that they can be used with various stakeholders.