We consumers face different packaging materials and solutions daily. Europeans consume on average nearly three times their body weight in packaging per annum. Packaging steers our consumption decisions, consciously or subconsciously, and makes our lives more convenient. Packaging is a central element of nearly all businesses: bundling services into sales packages, protecting consumer goods, transporting items to other markets. We asked three of our experts at Vision Hunters what they perceive as the most exciting developments in the field of packaging at the moment. 

For forest industry companies, packaging of different wood, paper, board, tissue and pulp products have been flying outside the sustainability radar. Fossil-based materials, especially plastics, are widely used in the forest products supply chain, thus a lot of room for improvement exists sustainability-wise.

What is happening in the Global Pulp and Paper Industry going into 2021? How has the Russian P&P sector been affected by the pandemic turmoil?  This article by Vision Hunters titled “PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY IN THE MASK. IS IT EVEN BREATHING?” in English and in Russian was published in the Russian edition of Pulp and Paper, issued in November 2020.