The EU and member states provide funding to encourage low-carbon initiatives through a variety of projects and programmes. However, to secure financial needs of the Green Transition, public and private funding must cooperate.

Maintaining and developing a competitive operating environment plays a key role in the development of a high value-added bioproduct industry in Finland.

Future pulp mills enable improved circularity and may act as a platform for external companies working in a bioecosystem. A mill willl have more departments/plants that use all streams, as well as possible external operators, all on the same mill site. There is no single solution for the mill, but rather a range of options in both the core mill and operating within the ecosystem.

In the last few years, the green transition, or the change from growth based on fossil fuels to growth based on green solutions, has ramped up considerably.
Forest residues are one of the most promising renewable feedstocks due to their availability, cost, and independence from the food industry. They can be converted into a variety of products, including biofuels, biochemicals, and biomaterials, which can replace the use of fossil fuels in the production of steel, chemicals, and transportation fuels

The EU economy is still largely dependent on fossil fuel. Going forward, the new alternative energy technologies should support the EU FIt for 55 package and strive to secure the energy supply.

The pandemic revealed how damaging it can be if global supply chains focus solely on efficiency. Changing an existing supply chain is not simple, as it has to be sustainable and secure, and it still needs to balance the demands for cost efficiency.

China’s strive for sustainability has recently caused major turbulence in the pulp and paper industry. The waste paper import ban has shifted global trade flows while a potential complete ban in 2020 would further impact fibre availability and prices.

Continuous improvement and operational excellence are often marketed as solutions to cope with tightened profitability, but identification and prioritization of actions is the key for efficient improvement.

The growing e-commerce will not only increase the demand for packaging, but it is changing the packaging solutions for good. What will be the most important characteristics of packaging when the competition is not on the shelf in a retail store?